Tuesday, April 7, 2009

verifyAllLinks command on S-IDE

I generally verify each and every link based on the element locator, as most of the links on the web page are not provided with unique ID attributes.

If the web page is still under development, one can ask the developer to associate an ID attribute for all the links. This  will help the automation team to use this verifyAllLinks command.

I have tried the command on the web page http://www.google.co.in/
verifyAllLinks| | 

After executing the command the result shown is as follows:
    * [info] Executing: |verifyAllLinks | | |
    * [error] Actual value ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' did not match '' 

Conclusion: In order to use verifyAllLinks, they need to have unique ID attributes defined in the HTML of the page under test.

Also, if you are trying to use: storeAllLinks it creates an array with all the link IDs.

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