PDF downloadable at: http://search-ebooks.eu/i/ios-human-interface-guidelines
Following is the checklist made from guidelines for iPhone application:
iOS | Guideline |
1.Platform Characteristics | |
The Display Is Paramount, Regardless of Its Size(The pixel size for image mentioned is 640 * 960 ) | |
The comfortable minimum size of tappable UI elements is 44 x 44 points. | |
Device Orientation Can Change | |
Apps Respond to Gestures, Not Clicks(Tap,Drag,Flick,Swipe,Pinch,Double Tap,Touch and hold,Shake) | |
People Interact with One App at a Time | |
Multitasking is available on certain devices running iOS 4 and later. | |
Preferences Are Available in Settings.(Preferences in the Settings app are of the “set once and rarely change” type) | |
Onscreen User Help Is Minimal | |
Most iOS Apps Have a Single Window | |
Two Types of Software Run in iOS | |
Safari on iOS Provides the Web Interface | |
2.Human Interface Principles | |
Aesthetic Integrity | |
Consistency 1)Does it use system-provided controls, views, and icons correctly? 2)Does it incorporate device features in a reliable way? 3)Does text use uniform terminology and style? 4)Do the same icons always mean the same thing? Can people predict what will happen when they perform the same action in different places? 5)Do custom UI elements look and behave the same throughout the app? | |
Direct Manipulation | |
Feedback | |
Metaphors | |
User Control | |
3.App Design Strategies | |
Controls should look tappable. | |
App structure should be clean and easy to navigate | |
User feedback should be subtle, but clear. | |
Mold the UI of each app version to the device it runs on. | |
Adapt art to the screen size. | |
Preserve the primary functionality of your app, regardless of the device it runs on. | |
Go beyond the default. | |
Focus your app. | |
Make sure your app lets people do something. | |
Design for touch. | |
Let people scroll. | |
Relocate the homepage icon. | |
Always have a reason for customization. | |
As much as possible, avoid increasing the user’s cognitive burden. | |
Be internally consistent. | |
Always defer to the content. | |
Think twice before you redesign a standard control. | |
Be Sure to thoroughly user-test custom UI elements | |
Create Prototype for User test | |
4.Case Studies: Transitioning to iOS | |
From Mail on the Desktop to Mail on iphone | |
From Keynote on the Desktop to Keynote on ipad | |
From Mail on the iPhone to Mail on iPad | |
From a Desktop Browser to Safari on iOS | |
5.User Experience Guidelines | |
Focus on the Primary Tasks | |
Elevate the Content that people care about | |
Think Top Down | |
Give People a Logical Path to Follow | |
Make Usage Easy and Obvious | |
User user-centric Terminology | |
Minimize the effort Required for user input | |
Downplay File-Hanling operations | |
Enable Collaboration and connectedness | |
De-emphaise Settings | |
Brand appropriately | |
Make Search Quick and Rewarding | |
Entice and inform with a Well-Written Description | |
Be Succinct | |
User UI Elements consistently | |
Consider Adding Physicality and Realism | |
Delight people with stunning graphics | |
Handle Orientation Changes | |
Make Targets Fiingertip size | |
Use subtle Animation to communicate | |
Support gestures appropriately | |
Ask people to save only when necessary | |
Make modal tasks occasional and simple | |
Start instantly | |
Always be prepared to stop | |
Don’t quit programmatically | |
If Necessary,Display Licence Agreemenr or Diclaimer | |
6.iOS Technology Usage Guidelines | |
iCloud Storage | |
Multitasking | |
Notification Center | |
Printing | |
iAd Rich Media Ads | |
Quick Look Document Preview | |
Sound | |
VoiceOver and Accessibility | |
Edit Menu | |
Undo and Redo | |
Keyboards and Input Views | |
Location Services | |
7.iOS UI Element Usage Guidelines | |
Bars | |
The Status Bar | |
Navigation Bar | |
Toolbar | |
Tab Bar | |
Content Views | |
Popover (iPad Only) | |
Split View (iPad Only) | |
Table View | |
Text View | |
Web View | |
Container View Controller | |
Alerts, Action Sheets, and Modal Views | |
Alert | |
Action Sheet | |
Modal View | |
Controls | |
Activity Indicator | |
Date and Time Picker | |
Detail Disclosure Button | |
Info Button | |
Label | |
Network Activity Indicator | |
Page Indicator | |
Picker | |
Progress View | |
Rounded Rectangle Button | |
Scope Bar | |
Search Bar | |
Segmented Control | |
Slider | |
Stepper | |
Switch | |
Text Field | |
System-Provided Buttons and Icons | |
Standard Buttons for Use in Toolbars and Navigation Bars | |
Standard Icons for Use in Tab Bars | |
Standard Buttons for Use in Table Rows and Other UI Elements | |
8.Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines | |
Application Icons[57 x 57 pixels(normal resolution) 114 x 114 pixels(high resolution)] | |
App store Icons (required for all apps)[512 x 512 pixels] | |
Launch Images(required for all apps)[320 x 480 pixels(normal resolution) and 640 x 960 pixels(high resolution)] | |
Small Icons(recommended)[29 x 29 pixels 58 x 58 pixels(high resolution)] | |
Document Icons(recommended for custom document types)[22 x 29 pixels 44 x 58 pixels(high resolution)] | |
Toolbar and navigation bar icon (optional)[Approximately 20 x 20 Approximately 40 x 40(high resolution)] | |
Tab bar icon (optional)[Approximately 30 x 30 Approximately 60 x 60 (high resolution)] | |
Newsstand icon for the App Store (required for Newsstand apps) |
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